
some friends and I are working on a project. This is the second project in which I am working with AngularJS, were currently using version 1.2.3.

Despite that I sometimes find some of its behavior odd, and don't understand why something is happening.

So the situation is this... I have in my cshtml file the followig:

<div class="checkbox">
         <input name="somecheckbox" type="checkbox" ng-click="click()" ng-model="displayRegardlessOfSomething" />
         <label>Display regardless of something</label>


In my javascript file I have the following code inside a directive:

At the very beginning:

$scope.displayRegardlessOfSomething = true;

And I have the following:

$ = function () {

And whenever I check or uncheck the checkbox I always get true... However, the peculiar part is that the content inside the <h1></h1> tags changes.... So, it's like I am changing the value of a variable on the html layer, but not on the JavaScript layer...

Why is this happening?

I have solved the problem by using $parent.displayRegardlessOfSomething but I don't understand why that fixed the problem... what caused the problem in the first place?

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I tried what you did in the fiddle and it works fine for me.

The fact that it works for you when you used $parent makes me think a parent controller is at fault here. Maybe you have two variables with the same names?

P.S. : remember that in Javascript, primitives are passed by value and objects are passed by reference. This is the cause of many mistakes for Angular developers. See this fiddle where I illustrate my point.

with primitives:

with objects:


Unless you're pretty sure everything is living in the same scope, which is almost never, you should always have a dot somewhere in your ng-model expression.

myApp.controller('MyController2', function($scope) {

  $scope.model = { displayRegardlessOfSomething: true };

  $ = function() {

<input type="checkbox" 
       ng-model="model.displayRegardlessOfSomething" />

See this plunker for details for live demo.

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