
I want to find out if there is any good ideas/tutorials on how to add loading gif to an android layout when processing happens and when a page layout navigates to another page layout.

I have tried using this - AndHud

But it seems like it doesn't work well with Portal Class Librarys (PCL) and services inside the PCL. I couldn't find a lot of examples with this component.

I see android uses a progress dialog for this but I was hoping for a Xamarin version in C# or any other clever way of doing this.

Was it helpful?


Add AndHUD to the Android project and BTProgressHUD to your iOS project.

Then you just need to create an interface in the PCL like this:

public enum MaskType
    None = 1,

public interface IHudService
    void Show(string message, MaskType maskType, int progress = -1);
    void Dismiss();
    void ShowToast(string message, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000);
    void ShowToast(string message, MaskType maskType, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000);

and concrete implementations in each of the projects (iOS example):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using BigTed;
using Foundation;
using MyExample.Services;
using UIKit;

[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(MyExample.iOS.Services.HudService))]

namespace MyExample.iOS.Services
    public class HudService : IHudService
        public HudService()

        #region IHudService Members

        public void Show(string message, MaskType maskType, int progress)
            float p = (float)progress / 100f;
            BTProgressHUD.Show(message, p, (ProgressHUD.MaskType)maskType);

        public void Dismiss()

        public void ShowToast(string message, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000)
            BTProgressHUD.ShowToast(message, showToastCentered, timeoutMs);

        public void ShowToast(string message, MaskType maskType, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000)
            BTProgressHUD.ShowToast(message, (ProgressHUD.MaskType)maskType, showToastCentered, timeoutMs);


And, on Android:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using AndroidHUD;
using MyExample.Services;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using XHUD;

[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(MyExample.Android.Services.HudService))]

namespace MyExample.Android.Services
    public class HudService : IHudService
            //Although, not well documented, for Xamarin.Forms, "Forms.Context" is the current activity

        public HudService()

        #region IHudService Members

        public void Show(string message, MyExample.Services.MaskType maskType, int progress)
            AndHUD.Shared.Show(Forms.Context, message, progress, (AndroidHUD.MaskType)maskType);

        public void Dismiss()

        public void ShowToast(string message, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000)
            AndHUD.Shared.ShowToast(Forms.Context, message, (AndroidHUD.MaskType)MyExample.Services.MaskType.Black, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutMs / 1000), showToastCentered);

        public void ShowToast(string message, MyExample.Services.MaskType maskType, bool showToastCentered = true, double timeoutMs = 1000)
            AndHUD.Shared.ShowToast(Forms.Context, message, (AndroidHUD.MaskType)maskType, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutMs / 1000), showToastCentered);



This is basically just a copy of the XHUD.HUD facade which was added to both libraries to smooth the API differences.

Then, register your service at the entry point for the platform-specific projects (in this case, AppDelegate.cs) and call it from the PCL. In my case, I am using Xamarin.Forms.Labs so your method of registering it may vary.

public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
    window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
    window.RootViewController = App.GetMainPage().CreateViewController();
    return true;

private void SetupIocContainer()
    var resolverContainer = new SimpleContainer();
    var app = new XFormsAppiOS();

    resolverContainer.Register<IDevice>(t => AppleDevice.CurrentDevice)
        .Register<IDisplay>(t => t.Resolve<IDevice>().Display)

        //EDIT: this does not seem necessary after all and actually
        //causes it to crash on Android (but works on iOS) 
        //not sure why
        //.Register<IHudService>(t => t.Resolve<IHudService>())

        .Register<IDependencyContainer>(t => resolverContainer);


In the PCL, you can instantiate it and do something like this:

private IHudService hudService;
public IHudService HudService
        if(hudService == null)
            hudService = DependencyService.Get<IHudService>();
        return this.hudService;

private async Task Setup()
    this.HudService.Show("Long operation occurring", MaskType.Black);

    await Operation();

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