
If I have a directive, that has its own controller defined in its body:

directives.directive("formWrapper", ['User','$location',  function(User, $location) {

    return {
       template: '<div>' +
                   '<input ng-click="cancel()" type="button" value="Cancel"/>' +
                   '<input ng-click="save()" type="button" value="Save" />' +

       controller: function($scope, $location, User) {

            $scope.fields = User.get( {username: "username"}  );

            var save = function() {...}

            var cancel = function() {...}          

In a template section I'm trying to reach functions save() and cancel() which are defined in the controller.

For now it does not work clicking on those buttons nothing happens.

I really don't want to define save() and cancel() in the $scope, because only this directive is supposed to use them. Or maybe it is ok to make them being in the $scope? Not sure about that isolation.

Q: How can I achieve it? Some common solution / vision about that?

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You need to put save() and cancel() on the directive's scope so the template can see them (right now they're only visible inside the controller function).

So instead of:

var save = function() {...}
var cancel = function() {...}  

You want

$ = function() {...}
$scope.cancel = function() {...}  

It's fine for these to be on the directive scope. It's not like putting them on $rootScope which is global.

You'll notice I added this to your directive:

scope: {},

That makes this $scope restricted to just this directive (AKA "isolated scope"). So you can think of this like an object or function scope- you're not polluting global namespace.

Here's a demo:

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