
I have a plugin to be translated. I have done following tasks:

Loaded the TextDomain:

$my_td = 'mysignup';
function my_signup_textdomain_init() {
    global $my_td;
    load_plugin_textdomain( $my_td, false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' );
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'my_signup_textdomain_init');

Added language files(po, pot, mo) in wp_plugin_folder\my_signup\languages (for Bengali bn_BD):

  • mysignup.pot
  • bn_BD.po

Changed the language code in wp_config.php file:

define('WPLANG', 'bn_BD');

But problem is nothing is changed. I am not sure what i have done as mistake. I already read lots of articles and answers. Still i need help to know how can i test everything is fine that i have done and how can i solve the issue.

Please help me. Thanks in advance.

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First of all - what is global $nl_td; did you mean global $my_td; ?

Second - you seem to miss the .po file ( e.g. mysignup.po ) - and you do not need bn_BD.po and

Third - try to load like this ( without the unnecessary variable ) :

load_plugin_textdomain( 'mysignup', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' );

Fourth - Make sure ALL your strings are like so : __('string','mysignup');

EDIT I after comment :

In your comment you wrote :

__('First Name field is required', $nl_td) and _e('First Name field is required', $nl_td)

Again - As far as I can tell from your very restricted code - $nl_td is not defined . $my_td is defined .

Just replace all those variables with a simple string mysignup .

Your code is probably some kind of cut&paste - but you must understand what those variables mean if you want them to work correctly, or make sure they are consistent all over .

Edit II( now that you edited comment from $nl_td to $my_td it seems you start to understand - edit also your code .. :-) then it will work as long as it is global. but better just write a string . )

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