
I just downloaded the developer edition of SQL Anywhere. How can I get a list of tables in the database I'm connected to?. Also for a particular table, how do I get the meta-data for that table (column names, types, etc)?

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I have not used SQL-Anywhere for many years however the following statement should work

select c.column_name
from systabcol c 
   key join systab t on t.table_id=c.table_id 
   where t.table_name='tablename'

This was cribbed directly from an earlier question


select * from systable  // lists all tables
select * from syscolumn // lists all tables columns

For a particular table:

describe TableName

will return the table's columns, with an indication of the column's type, whether it's nullable and a primary key

Assuming Windows: start - All Programs - SQL Anywhere 11 - Sybase Central

Then Connections - Connect with SQL Anywhere 11...

Select "ODBC Data Source name" and pick "SQL Anywhere 11 Demo"

Press OK to see a tree view of the various objects in the database (tables etcetera).

SELECT + '.' +
  FROM sysobjects a, sysusers b
 WHERE a.type IN ('U', 'S')
   AND a.uid = b.uid

This will yield a list of tables and users that have access to them.

Use this view:


select * from sys.syscolumns

or just tables which you created:

select * from sys.syscolumns where creator=(select current user)

System proc, sa_describe_query is quite useful

SELECT * FROM sa_describe_query('select * from TableName')

To get the list of all tables used in the database :

select * from systable //without 's'

To get the list of all columns :

select * from syscolumn //without 's'

select t.table_name, c.column_name, c.base_type_str, c.nulls from systabcol c key join systab t on t.table_id = c.table_id

To select one table details

select * from Table_Name;

To select two different table and Map with id

select * from Table_1 t1,Table2 t2 where;

select * from user_tables;

desc tablename;

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