
I am using thymeleaf with Spring webflow and spring mvc. I am trying to get application url by flowExecutionUrl . But when I print flowExecutionUrl in span I am getting the url that is like


but when I pass the same in th:action my project name got appended twice. Like this


below is my code

<html xmlns:th="">
      <div style="width: 1330px; height: 100px;">
        <div id="header" th:include="'/header'::headerfream"></div>
      <div style="width: 1330px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: 110px;">
        <form action = "#" th:action="@{${flowExecutionUrl}}" method="POST">
              <tr><td><span th:text="${flowExecutionUrl}"></span></td></tr>
              <p>User Name</p>
                  <input type="text" name="name" id="name"  />
                  <input type="password" name="password" id ="password" />
              <input type="submit" value="submit"/>
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Solution 2

Thank you Tom for your answer . I found the solution

<form id="myForm" th:action="${flowExecutionUrl}"
       th:object="${userDetail}" method="post">
       <input type="hidden" name="_eventId" value="loginCredentialsEntered" />

And my action will be



Theth:action uses the @{...} syntax, which rewrites the URL. Since the flowExecutionUrl starts with a /, the URL is rewritten relative to the context root of your application. The context path /SWF is prepended to the URL.

The span does not use this @ syntax and thus just writes the original value of flowExecutionUrl.

You should remove the context path from the flowExecutionUrl and let Thymeleaf prepend the context path using the @ syntax, so your application is not dependent on the context path.

Source: Thymeleaf Standard URL syntax

Found this answer here:

It works with webflow and thymeleaf very well.

Use server-relative URLs as explained here:

This would look like:

th:href="@{'~' + ${flowExecutionUrl}}"

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