
I've been working the project mentioned c-sharp-compilerresults-generateinmemory.

I've been writing a lot of code to get my "class discovery" implemented. It works cool, but I realized it would be a lot more efficient if I implemented everything as an derived class of `System.Reflection.Assembly'.

So with that new derived class written I hit a problem. When I try to assign the base class to the new derived class it throws an error, just the normal did you miss an explicit cast error.

I thought C# did implicit casting for extended types?

So I have some source code like this...

Assembly asm = MyCompilerResults.CompiledAssembly(); /* this works */
Interface asmInterface = new Interface();
asmInterface = asm; /* bad */
asmInterface = (Interface)asm; /* bad */

public class Interface : Assembly {
    public Interface() {} // I always just declare the empty constructor.

    public void Helpermethod1() {}
    public void Helpermethod2() {}
    public void Helpermethod3() {}

So as it's only the second week I've been writing C# I have to ask...
How do I add the base class to my class?

The question here... Why can't I write an implicit operator from a Base class to a Derived class in C#?
This seems to indicate my casting should work unless I'm misunderstanding the answers.

Was it helpful?


I think you missunderstood something. What you are trying to achieve is to assign base class to derived one. It's not possible on almost every case.

Consider following:

public class A 

public class B : A

A a = new B();

// some code

B b = (B)a; // it is possible. Behind the scenes, variable a is of B type.


A a = new A();
B b = (B)a; //IT'S NOT ALLOWED. The variable a is of type A that has 
            // no "knowledge" about B class.

In your case, CompiledAssembly() returns Assembly instance that has no any information about Interface class, so it cannot be directly casted.

There are two options. Write wrapper:

public class Interface 
     private readonly Assembly underlyingAssembly;
     publiic Interface(Assembly asm)
        this.underlyingAssembly = asm;

     // other methods

Assembly someAsm = MyCompilerResults.CompiledAssembly();
Interface interface = new Interface(someAsm);

or write extension methods:

public static class AsmExt
     public static void SomeMethod(this Assembly asm)

Assembly someAsm = MyCompilerResults.CompiledAssembly();


You may want to acchieve something different here, which can be done by using extensionmethods

You have to create a static class which then offers the functionality to extend the object like this:

public static class AssemblyExtension

    public static void HelperMethod1(this Assembly asm)

You can then call it like this:

Assembly asm = MyCompilerResults.CompiledAssembly(); 
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