
I'm trying to get a group with the sum of values of a csv file, but I want to remove all the zero values.

Example of my csv file:

Continents      Function      Value  
South Asia      Function1   
South Asia      Function2     14  
Europe          Function1   
Europe          Function2     12  
Europe          Function3     2

I want to get


Here is my code:

var ndx = crossfilter( csv );  
var functions = ndx.dimension( function( d )
   return d["Function"];
} );  
var functionAmountGroup = function ( d )
   return d3.format( ".2f" )( d["Value"] );
} );

I get


but I want to remove the "Function1" line because of the zero value.

I tried to filter with the value dimension, it's ok

var filterValues = ndx.dimension( 
   function( d )
      return d["Value"];
   } ).filter( 
       function( d )
          if( 0 < Math.abs( d ) )
            return d;
       } );  

That returns me well :

{"Continents":"South Asia","Function":"Function2","Value":"14"},

But filterValues is now a dimension, then I don't know how to get a new dimension with "Function" with these filtered result.
Something like

filteredValues.dimension( function( d )
            return d["Function"];
        } );  

which is wrong!

Can someone help me please? I have no more ideas!
Thanks a lot,

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Please create a jsFiddle. I don't believe the code you post does what you say it does, and a working example will solve this problem. Specifically:

var filterValues = ndx.dimension( 
   function( d )
      return d["Value"];
   } ).filter( 
       function( d )
          if( 0 < Math.abs( d ) )
            return d;
       } );  

returns a dimension, not a list of records.

To answer your question: If you do the following, should give you what you want.

var ndx = crossfilter( csv );  
var functions = ndx.dimension( function( d ) {
   return d["Function"];
} );  
var functionAmountGroup = function ( d ) {
   return d3.format( ".2f" )( d["Value"] );
} );
var filterValues = ndx.dimension( 
   function( d ) {
      return d["Value"];
   } ).filter( 
       function( d ) {
          if( 0 < Math.abs( d ) )
            return d;
       } );

The .filter() call on the new dimension will adjust the functionAmountGroup defined on the other dimension.

You could also just do:

var ndx = crossfilter( csv );  
var functions = ndx.dimension( function( d ) {
   return d["Function"];
} );  
var functionAmountGroup = function ( d ) {
   return d3.format( ".2f" )( d["Value"] );
} ); function (d) { return d.value !== 0; } );

Edit: This doesn't work. You actually need to create a fake Crossfilter group that is pre-filtered and pass it to dc.js. Like this:

var filteredFunctionAmountGroup = {
    all: function () {
        return function (d) { return d.value !== 0; } );

Example here:

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