
I am creating a navigation "tree" that basically allows you to navigate to parent views like so

Home > Planner > Contacts >

This list is just a normal <ul> that should get changed each time the view is changed and allow the user to click on any of the above links to navigate. I am using ui-router's $stateChangeStart event to build up my list of links, the problem is that my directive does not "re-build" this list every time the page change.

Is there a way to force the directive to re-render every time I change my state?

TreeNav directive

app.directive('treeNav', ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {

        return {
            replace: true,
            restrict: 'E',
            template: '<ul>\
                    <li ng-repeat="item in treeNavs">\
                        <a ui-sref="{{ item.state }}">{{ }}</a>\
                        <span> > </span>\
            link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
                scope.treeNavs = $rootScope.treeNav.reverse();

                scope.$watch('$rootScope.treeNav', function (newVal, oldVal) {
                scope.treeNavs = newVal.reverse();


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I believe you aren't setting up your $watch statement correctly.

You should also be careful with your use of .reverse. reverse() reverses the entries in an array in place, which is probably not what you want to do, since it would modify the array on the $rootScope.

You can use splice() to create a new copy and then reverse that:

scope.treeNavs = $rootScope.treeNavs.splice().reverse();
$rootScope.$watch('treeNav', function(newVal) {
  scope.treeNavs = newVal.splice().reverse();
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