
This question is a mirror from this post on Telerik's Forum that I have posted yesterday.

I have a TreeView with HierarchicalDataSource and my question is simple: Can I access the current dataItem in the function?

For instance, consider this code:

    transport: {
        read: function(options) {
            // Here i'll prepare my url to be called
            return "my/controller/" + dataItem.Id;

I want to access the dataItem's properties of the current expanding node inside the read function. Is this possible?

I have tried many ways but the scope inside that function gives me access of nothing outside it.


@OnaBai suggestion worked with - in my case - Value property, given the following model:

    id: "Value",
    hasChildren: "HasChildren"

But I want to be able to access more that just Id but the entire dataItem. I've tried to add dataItem's - or request - properties to the model but it doesn't worked:

    id: "Value",
    hasChildren: "HasChildren",
    fields: {
        ParentId: { type: "string" }

ParentId comes from the resquest and its accesible in dataItem, but not in options inside read function. There's another way to do that ?


A tricky way of doing this can be achieved by setting the model's id to uid:

    id: "uid"

The function will receive the uid and then you can get it from dataSource with, e.g. dataSource.getByUid().

Was it helpful?


Assuming that Id the id defined in your model, you should do:

    transport: {
        read: function(options) {
            return "my/controller/" + options.Id;

See an example here :

EDIT: If you need to access the full model then known the id you can use get method on the DataSource for getting the item.


var ds = new{
    transport: {
        read: function(options) {
            if (options.Id) {
                var item = ds.get(options.Id);
                // Do whatever else you need with Item
            return "my/controller/" + options.Id;

Modified JSFiddle here

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