
I use cocoapods(0.28.0) to manage 3rdparty libs in my Xcode(5.0.2) project. All things look good when running the project on iOS Simulator, but I meet a problem when running that on device(iOS 6 and iOS 7). The error message is:

dyld: Symbol not found: _UIFontTextStyleHeadline

I searched the code, and found only SVProgressHUD(one 3rdparty lib managed by cocoapods) using UIFontTextStyleHeadline like this:

    return [UIFont preferredFontForTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleHeadline];
    return [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:16];

After I removed cocoapods and dragged the SVProgressHUD directly to my project, the problem was gone.

How to solve this problem if I don't want to remove cocoapods?

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Set the iOS Deployment target of the target Pods-SVProgressHUD, in the Pods project, to iOS 6.x.

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