
I'm trying to fade the background-color of a span tag using JQuery to emphasize when a change has occured. I was thinking the code would be someting like the following inside the click handler, but I can't seem to get it working. Can you show me where I went wrong? Thanks Russ.


That's better, but now it fades both the background-color of the span tag and the text value of the span tag too. I'm trying to just fade the background-color and leave the text visible. Can that be done?

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OH, I didn't realize you wanted to fade the color! OK, so you need to check out the jQuery color plugin:

And here's another helpful section of the jQuery docs site:

I've never actually done this so I won't try to give you code, but I imagine the color plugin will give you the functionality you need.


It can be done with the color animation plugin. You'd then do something like

$('span').animate({'backgroundColor' : '#ffff99'});

If using pure jQ to fade out a background doesn't work without a plugin, there's a clever (although not progressively enhanced) way to do this with CSS3.

This function will apply the "transition" attribute to a given element via CSS Next, the element is given a background color which CSS fades into.

In case you want this to be like a wave ("look here!"), after a delay of half a second, a function is queued to turn the element back to white.

Essentially jQ just blinks the element on to one color, then back to white. CSS3 takes care of the fading.

//reusable function to make fading colored hints
function fadeHint(divId,color) {
    switch(color) {
        case "green":
        color = "#17A255";

        case "blue":
        color = "#1DA4ED";

        default: //if "grey" or some misspelled name (error safe).
        color = "#ACACAC";

    //(This example comes from a project which used three main site colors: 
    //Green, Blue, and Grey)

    $(divId).css("-webkit-transition","all 0.6s ease")
    .css("-moz-transition","all 0.6s ease")
    .css("-o-transition","all 0.6s ease")
    .css("-ms-transition","all 0.6s ease")
    /* Avoiding having to use a jQ plugin. */

    .css("backgroundColor",color).delay(200).queue(function() {
        $(this).dequeue(); //Prevents box from holding color with no fadeOut on second click.
    //three distinct colors of green, grey, and blue will be set here.

This can be done with jQuery (or any lib) & a simple CSS hack:

#wrapping-div {
#fadeout-div {
 background-color: #ffd700;


<div id="wrapping-div">
  <p>This is some text</p>
  <p>This is some text</p>
  <p>This is some text</p>
  <div id="fadeout-div"></div>

Then, all you need to do is:


Easy Peasy! See this in action:

Try this

    $(this).animate({backgroundColor:"green"},  100);
    $(this).animate({backgroundColor:"white" },  1000);

May be late to answer, but a straight solution to your answer.

 $('span').css('background-color','#<from color>').animate({backgroundColor: '#<to color>'},{duration:4000});

Simple. No need of jqueryUI plugin, 3rd party tools and all.

I didnt want to use a plugin So to fade a background in and out i included this for the div class thats to have its background faded

.div-to-fade {
    -webkit-transition:background 1s;
    -moz-transition:background 1s;
    -o-transition:background 1s;
    transition:background 1s

the jquery which is in a button click

$('.div-to-fade').css('background', 'rgb(70, 70, 70)');
setTimeout(function(){$('.div-to-fade').css('background', '')}, 1000);

This will color the background light grey and then fade back to the orig color I hope this contributes

that's why you call fadeOut on the span tag. to get background fade animation you should use:

$('span').animate({'backgroundColor' : '#ffff99'});

as pointed by mishac. another way could be something like this:

$("span").fadeTo(0.5,"slow", function () {
  $(this).css("background-color", "#FFFF99");

the above code will fadeout to 50% the entire span tag, then changes background and fadeIn. it isn't what you were looking for, but creates a decet animation without depending from other jquery plugins ;)

The newest jQuery UI business allows you to do background-color transforms on most objects. See here :

As for the guy asking about making a background transparent on roll-over to reveal an image would it not be simpler to build it like a normal jQuery image roll-over like the ones people use to switch nav images?

You'll want to use this syntax:

$("span").fadeOut("slow").css("background-color", "#FFFF99");

This is how I fixed it for my list with a hover:


ul {background-color:#f3f3f3;}
li:hover {background-color: #e7e7e7}


$(document).ready(function () {
    $('li').on('touchstart', function () { $(this).css('background-color', ''); });
    $('li').on('touchend', function () { $(this).css('background-color', 'inherit'); });

Another solution without jQuery UI

//Color row background in HSL space (easier to manipulate fading)

var d = 1000;
for(var i=50; i<=100; i=i+0.1){ //i represents the lightness
    d  += 10;
        }, dd);    

Demo :

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