
Currently I having the query like this


It is working fine, and I think it will search for this keyword in all the fields, now I want to retrieve data only based in some specific field like this


is it possible to query like, here I getting some unexpected datas for my second query.

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You can have multiple queries, ANDed together, like this:

q=name:somename AND specialization:somespecialization

or ORer together like this:

q=name:somename OR specialization:somespecialization

Or you can use filter queries to AND them together:


I won't get into queries versus filter queries as it is covered better elsewhere:

SOLR filter-query vs main-query


in order to perform a multicriteria request, you'd better do :

fq= name:*somename* 
fq= specialization:*specializstr*

http req example : http://localhost:8983/solr/datav6/select?q=*%3A*&fq=data%3A*carlos*%5E5&fq=entity%3Aemployee&wt=json&indent=true

it' saffer on the results, faster on execution and consumes less ram. enjoy and give me some feedback please! :)

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