
I'd like to define a new task called dbStatus that calls (or extends?) run, and just overrides the args property.

apply plugin: 'application'

run {
    args "server", "service.yml"

task(dbStatus, type: run) {
    args "db", "status", "service.yml

This doesn't work because "run" isn't a valid task class. Is there a quick way to extend a task and just override a property?

UPDATE: Resolution

Unfortunately I had to just define a brand new JavaExec task, and recreate the logic that run is configured to do. Here is what I came up with:

task(dbStatus, type: JavaExec) {
    main mainClassName
    classpath sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
    args "db", "status", "service.yml"

I don't think this is exactly the same as run, since it isn't running against the build jar I don't believe, but it works for my purposes.

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Tasks cannot be "extended" in this way. Instead, declare another task and configure it as appropriate. (It's common to configure multiple tasks at once to avoid code duplication.)

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