
I am not able to successfully use Python Requests to call a second route in the same application using Flask. I know that its best practice to call the function directly, but I need it to call using the URL using requests. For example:

from flask import Flask
import requests
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"  # This works

def myrequest():
    #r = requests.get('', timeout=5).text  # This works, but is external
    #r = hello()  # This works, but need requests to work
    r = requests.get('', timeout=5).text  # This does NOT work - requests.exceptions.Timeout
    return r

if __name__ == "__main__":, port=5000)
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Your code assumes that your app can handle multiple requests at once: the initial request, plus the request that is generated while the initial is being handled.

If you are running the development server like, it runs in a single thread by default; therefore, it can only handle one request at a time.

Use to enable multiple threads in the development server.

As of Flask 1.0 the development server is threaded by default.

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