
I am using this code to make a KML file:

Sub Create_KML()
' Builds KML from spread sheet
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+c
'Trash = Application _
'    .GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
'Open File For Random As #1 ' "c:\Users\mwilson\Desktop\Trash.txt
'Open "c:\Users\mwilson\Desktop\Test Google\Trash.txt" For Output As #1
Open "C:\Documents and Settings\eecoop\Desktop\10 day avg rssi Google kml\Trash.kml" For Output As #1
y = 9
Address = Range("B" & y) ' "203 Jordan, Tallassee, AL"
While Address <> ""
Print #1, "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>"         '1
Print #1, "<kml xmlns="""">"     '2
Print #1, "   <Placemark>"                                        '3
Print #1, "     <name>George</name>"                           '4
Print #1, "        <Style>"                                     '5
Print #1, "           <IconStyle>"                              '6
Print #1, "               <scale>.3</scale>"                    '7
Print #1, "               <Icon>"                               '8
Print #1, "                  <href>Green.png</href>"             '9
Print #1, "               </Icon>"                             '10
Print #1, "            </IconStyle>"                            '11
Print #1, "        </Style>"                                     '12
Print #1, "     <address>" & Address & "</address>"    '13
Print #1, " </Placemark>"                                        '14
Print #1, "</kml>"                                               '15
Print #1, " "
'    Range("A2").Select
        ID = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
'    Range("B2").Select
        Address = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
'    Range("C2").Select
'        RSSI = ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1
'    Trash.Write ("hi")

'    Print #1, ID
y = y + 1
Address = Range("B" & y)
    Close #1
End Sub

For the most part it works just fine, except for the fact that when I try to set Address equal to Range("B" & Y) which has the string:

203 Jordan, Tallassee, AL

When I do this, it prints it off the screen of Google Earth whereas if I use the quoted address directly, i.e.: Address = "203 Jordan, Tallassee, AL"

It works just fine and plots where and how it is supposed to. I have tried to make sure Address is formatted as text when pulling from the Excel cell, but the error keeps on happening.

What am I doing wrong?

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Solution 2

I figured it out. There was a difference in the two items being entered.

In the Excel file I got from my boss, he spelled Tallassee wrong. He used only one s. I also had to change:

> & Address & <


>; Address; "<

Now it works fine. Also, when you are plotting a lot of points at once, points that Google Earth has not gotten around to yet will be shown as though they are off screen.


Try to open the KML with a text editor and see if the <address> line is formatted differently in your 2 cases.

I would try using

Address("B" & y).Value
cstr(Address("B" & y))
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