
I need to pull array of primary keys in single shot


select p_k from table where 1=1

result should be


i tried

$news = DB::table('news')

but for id i need to make a loop. isn't there a shortcut method via orm

my table is

id                   heading                 news
1                    heading1                news1
2                    heading2                news2 

I need list of id(primary key) in array like below


$news = DB::table('news') will fecth all fields and furthermore i need to go through the loop

foreach($news as $val){

This is quite lenghty.. i need a shortcut method so that i can directly pull those primary key on array with out loop

i need do to so because i have another bridge table where these news_id are linked

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You may try this:

$news = News::lists('id');

Using your News model (Eloquent) with the combination of lists method.


$ids = DB::table('news')->lists('id');

This will do it. Reference is here-

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