
I have a problem with breadcrumbs on the product page, it does not show the real path of the product.

Here's how I set it on the backend:

enter image description here

Here's how it shows it:

enter image description here

My breadcrumb.tpl file:

<!-- Breadcrumb -->
{if $page_name != index}
{if isset($smarty.capture.path)}{assign var='path' value=$smarty.capture.path}{/if}

<div id="breadcrumb">
    <ul class="breadcrumb">
        {if $page_name!='product'}
            <a href="{$base_dir}" title="{l s='return to Home'}">{l s='Home'} {$navigationPipe|escape:html:'UTF-8'} {l s='Shop'}</a>
            {if isset($path) AND $path}
                {if $page_name!='product'}
                    <span class="divider" {if isset($category) && $category->id_category == 1}style="display:none;"{/if}>
        {if isset($path) AND $path}
            {if !$path|strpos:'span'}
                <li class="active">{$path}</li>
<!-- /Breadcrumb -->

I've searched everywhere on the web for a solution to my problem and I couldn't find anything helpful. Please help me with this. Any advice is helpful.


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Look into ps_category table from your database and see if there are multiple parent declarations for all categories. I had this problem in the past and cleaning useless rows from the table solved my problem.


Categories are using nleft and nright, its using this algorithm:

In my case worked setting all nleft and nright to 0, then Category::regenerateEntireNtree()

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