
When using Polymer, is it possible to bind to a method rather than a value? E.g.




Judging from the source and docs, it is not. Just wanted to confirm.

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Not directly, but there are a couple of ways to probably achieve what you want. I'm assuming you want to transform data...?

  1. Define a property as an ES5 getter

    A bit of a cheat, but you can define a property as a getter and then wrap custom logic around the value that's returned.

    Polymer('my-tag', {
      firstName: 'John',
      get likes() {
        return this.firstName + ' ' + lastName + ' likes bread';


    Note: Use this optional cautiously. Binding to a getter doesn't work under Object.observe(), which Polymer will use if supported. See Scott's comment below.

  2. Custom filters

    Not documented yet :(

    <div>{{'thingy' | upperCaseFilter}}</div>
    Polymer('my-tag', {
      upperCaseFilter: function(value) {
        return value.toUpperCase();


  3. <prop>Changed

    See Scott's comment below.

BTW, one reason we don't have something like {{someMethod()}} in Polymer is that that executes JavaScript. It's generally considered an anti-pattern to do something like onclick="someMethod()" because it's easy to subject yourself to things like XSS attacks.

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