
In ionic we have slideBox.I want to disable swipe .I want it to slide on button click.How can i do it?

I have tried $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.enableSlide(false) in my controller but it is not working.

According to this link i have to disable in the scope of the slidebox but how to access the scope of the element and apply it?

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The proper place to do it is in ng-init

<ion-slide-box ng-init="lockSlide()">

and have the respective function in your controller

.controller('sliders', function($scope, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate) {
    $scope.lockSlide = function () {
        $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.enableSlide( false );


In your html file put active-slide="slidestop($index)"

<ion-slide-box active-slide="slidestop($index)">

And in Controller class that function "slidestop"

$scope.slidestop = function(index) {

Your issue is probably that the slidebox needs to be rendered before you can disable sliding. So in your controller, use a timeout:


In your html add

<ion-slide-box active-slide="slidestop" does-continue="false">

And in your controller add

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