
I would like to alter the GUI ui by using a separate function when an action takes place.

For example: here is my code for a menu item being clicked:

void MainWindow::on_actionImperial_triggered()
    void gui_change();

I would like the function gui_change() to be called, and alter the ui.

void gui_change()

This results in the error use of undeclared identifier 'ui', being new to Qt, i have spent a few hours Googling and searching Stack to determine how to get ui to be within the scope of the function, but have not succeeded.

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You need to make gui_change() a member function of MainWindow, and then declare it as void MainWindow::gui_change().

If you simply write void gui_change(), then it is a standalone function that is not part of any class or namespace. (BTW, this is a C++ issue, not a Qt issue)

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