
I want my Nginx serve dynamical urls as static pages, e.g.

given a url  "/book?name=ruby_lang&published_at=2014" , 
the nginx will serve a static file (which is generated automatically ) named as:
"book?name=ruby_lang&published_at=2014.html"  or:

is this possible?


1.there's no static file named:

  "book?name=ruby_lang&published_at=2014.html" nor 

however, I can generate them if needed.

2.I can't change the url that give to the consumer. e.g. my consumer could only send request to me via


but not with any other urls.

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If you are OK with generating the HTML files yourself, you could simply use nginx's rewrite module. Example:

rewrite ^/book book-name-eq-$arg_name-published_at-eq-$arg_published_at.html last;

If you need to make sure that name and published_at are valid, you can instead do something like this:

location = /book {
    if ($arg_name !~ "^[A-Za-z\d_-]+$") { return 404; }
    if ($arg_published_at !~ "^\d{4}$") { return 404; }
    rewrite ^/book book-name-eq-$arg_name-published_at-eq-$arg_published_at.html last;

This will make sure that published_at is a valid 4-digits integer, and name is a valid identifier (English alphabets, numbers, underscore, and hyphen).

To make sure a book is only accessible from one URL, you should throw 404 if the URL is the HTML file. Add this before the previous rule:

location ~ /book-(.*).html {
    return 404;


OK, thanks to @Alon Gubkin's help, finally I solved this problem, (see : .here are some tips:

  1. use 'try_files' instead of 'rewrite'

  2. use '-' instead of underscore '_' in your static file names, otherwise nginx would get confused when setting $arg_parameters to your file name. e.g. use "platform-$arg_platform.json' instead of "platform_$arg_platform.json"

  3. take a look at nginx built-in variables.

and this is my nginx config snippet:

server {
  listen       100;
  charset utf-8;
  root /workspace/test_static_files;
  index index.html index.htm;

  # nginx will first search '/platform-$arg_platform...' file, 
  # if not found return /defautl.json 
  location /popup_pages {
    try_files /platform-$arg_platform-product-$arg_product.json /default.json;

also I put my code on github so that someone interested in this issue could take a look:

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