
This is a general question...

I have developed an android app with app engine and it is working great.

Problem is that not every one has an android device..

Some one suggest that i should develop a web version where by both android app and web app share the same back end.

I have zero experience in developing web apps..but i am a willing and competent learner.

So my question is that is it possible to have an android and web app share the same data stored in Google app engine BE?

Is there any online tutorials i can learn from? and what is the preferred technology to use for the web app?

Than you all in advance!


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So my question is that is it possible to have an android and web app share the same data stored in Google app engine BE?

Yes. If the Android app consumes the backend API via REST, you simply can use the same approach for web. Take a look at Google Cloud Endpoints to know more about how to implement REST APIs in GAE. Also see the documentation on how to consume endpoints from JavaScript clients

Is there any online tutorials i can learn from? and what is the preferred technology to use for the web app?

Tutorials depend on the frontend technology you are going to use. I personally prefer GWT because it makes you code Java and it compiles the client code into Javascript taking care of browsers compatibility. It has MVP, Ajax and well structured way to communicate with the server side code, bind controls to data. If you intend to use GWT, you can consume the API using the same Java client libraries generated for Android and make the calls to the API on server side code like a GWT RPC service for example. You can also use regular Servlets in GAE.

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