
Is there a way I can detect when respond.js finished work?

Right now it takes about 1-2 seconds until the layout is displayed correctly. I would like to add some sort of loading indicator that will be hidden when respond.js finishes it's job.


PS. I know the good practices but the client is paying the money.

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You can just hide the container and display the loading indicator by default, and then use a media query to toggle them.

.container {
    display: none;
.loading {
    display: block;
@media (min-width: 1px) {
    .container {
        display: block;
    .loading {
        display: none;

Browsers that support the media query will immediately show the container and hide the loading indicator. Old IE won't until that media query is processed by respond.js.



Think about this for a second. Think about being a user with your UI being locked up while you're waiting for a JS to modify your layout on an ancient (IE<9) browser with a slow rendering engine. Here's your solution:

<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<style type="text/css">
 body { min-width: 1020px; }

IE8 users would much rather scroll horizontally a little bit (they're used to sub-optimal UX, they're using IE8 after all!!!!) than have respond.js destroy their user experience because it's chewing through browser performance.

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