
This is only tangentially a programming question. Where can I find a simple-to-parse list of people names? This is really just filler material, so they don't need much rhyme or reason.

Alternatively, is there a programmer's equivalent to lorem ipsum for when you need to create a bunch of dummy accounts?

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You could draw names randomly from names.txt (46 KiB, comma-separated values) from Project Euler problem 22.

EDIT: The U.S. Census Bureau has statistical data for first and last names.


Check out

Benjamin Keen has created this terrific tool that would probably fit the bill for you.

You could always use a bunch of names and numbers:

firsts = [ "Dave", "John", "Jane", "Jack", ...];
seconds = [ "McMuffin", "Frontage", "Bush", "McProgrammer", ...];

for f in firsts {
    for s in seconds {
        for( i=0; i<10; i++){
            tmp_user = f + "_" + s + i;
            // Add user to database

That's quite alot of usernames if you add a few more :)

Good Luck

If you just need some text and dont care how it looks, you could use something like Excel to generate a big list of names.

eg: in cell A1 enter ="FirstName" & ROW(A1) then select however many rows you want and fill down. In column B do the same for surname, save as CSV and import into your DB.

Or you could get a little smarter: Put some first names in column A and some surnames in column B.

Formula for C1:


and something similar for D1:

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