
I'm doing something wrong with fixtures. I have to models where a Contract has many Contractitems and try to load fixtures for them

App.Contract = DS.Model.extend({
  contractItems: DS.hasMany('contractItem'),

App.ContractItem = DS.Model.extend({
  contract:       DS.belongsTo('contract'),

App.Contract.FIXTURES = [{
  id:             1,
  runtime:        12,
  contractItems:  [1, 2]
  id:        2,

App.ContractItem.FIXTURES = [{
  id:             1,
  id:             2,

I commented out some dull attrubutes, but the full file is up here. When I load the page, i get an Error

Uncaught #<error> VM1615:956
ProfileManager.ended VM1615:956
Ember.subscribe.after VM1615:2007
finalizer ember-1.5.1.js:1802
Ember.tryCatchFinally ember-1.5.1.js:1554
Ember.Instrumentation.instrument ember-1.5.1.js:1810
Ember.CoreView.Ember.Object.extend.renderToBuffer ember-1.5.1.js:22472
Ember.View.Ember.CoreView.extend.createElement ember-1.5.1.js:23993
Ember.merge.insertElement ember-1.5.1.js:24944
Ember.View.Ember.CoreView.extend._insertElement ember-1.5.1.js:23921
DeferredActionQueues.flush ember-1.5.1.js:6125
Backburner.end ember-1.5.1.js:6215 ember-1.5.1.js:6254
executeTimers ember-1.5.1.js:6552
(anonymous function)

Removing the line contractItems: [1, 2] resolves this, but obviously the related objects are not loaded then. I thought, I did something wrong with camelcasing and tried different versions, but no success.

Ember is used in version 1.5.1, Ember-Data in version 1.0.0-beta9.

Any hints are welcome...

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You're relationships will need to be defined as async since they aren't loaded in the same payload as the record you are loading.

App.Contract = DS.Model.extend({
  contractItems: DS.hasMany('contractItem', {async:true}),

App.ContractItem = DS.Model.extend({
  contract:       DS.belongsTo('contract', {async:true}),

Remember when accessing async properties to use then

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