
I wanted to create in JSF a combobox (selectOneMenu). I want to fill this combobox with all logins from one column from Database (SELECT logins FROM database).

Will be much gratefull from any help.

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In your backing bean (YourBean in the example) you should have an array of Strings (or of objects with a getter method that returns the String you want). For instance lets assume you have the following code in your backing bean:

private ArrayList<String> logins; // read from DB
private String selectedLogin; // this will hold the selected value

// this method will be called by the JSF framework to get the list
public ArrayList<String> getLogins()
   return logins;

public String getSelectedLogin()
    return selectedLogin;

public String setSelectedLogin(String sl)
    selectedLogin = sl;

In you Facelets page, assuming you are on JSF 2.x:

<h:selectOneMenu value="#{YourBean.selectedLogin}">
            <f:selectItems value="#{YourBean.logins}" itemLabel="#{l}" itemValue="#{l}" var="l"/>

This will create a select menu with all the options in the array. Once the form is submitted the value will be set in the String value of your backing bean.

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