
The docs say to run php codecept.phar run to execute my test, but I believe this is an error.

When I run php vendor/codeception/codeception/package/codecept.phar run acceptance or vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance EditUserCept to run my EditUserCept.php test all I see is:

run [suite] [test]

Are the docs incorrect?

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The docs are correct. But I use the following:

  • To execute FooCest.php found in the directory path tests/unit/Model
    vendor/bin/codecept --steps --debug --verbose run unit Model/FooCest.php
  • To execute all the tests labeled with the group current
    vendor/bin/codecept --steps --debug --verbose run -g current

I would change to using vendor/bin/codecept instead of vendor/codeception/codeception/package/codecept.phar if you are running Linux or MacOS.

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