
I've created a project using's Yeoman generator. It creates an index.html file, a styles folder, a src folder, and a content folder. The gruntfile specifies that index.html includes all css files under the styles folder. However, I want to include a google fonts css file, by referencing it in my index.html. I can't insert this manually because grunt will overwrite my changes everytime i save a file in my project, how do I go about making grunt load my external css files/reference them in my index.html file?

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Make sure you include your stylesheet outside of the <!-- build:css comments.

This works:

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="lib/famous/core/famous.css" />

<!-- build:css(app/) css/app.css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/app.css" />
<!-- bower:css -->


  • If this does not work with live-reload, try restarting the server!
  • Be sure to refresh page (i.e. clear cache or open developer console)

Example files:

See example files in this gist!


The specific Grunt task that rewrites CSS stylesheets in index.html is called cssmin, which is used in conjunction with useminPrepare and usemin.

Basically, useminPrepare writes a cssmin configration for you based on the <!-- build:css comments in your html file. See usemin docs.

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