
i want to measure about 1000 digits after zero of a number, but i don't know what to do with it to print all of the numbers because it just prints the first 16 numbers what should i do to have them all printed? i tried to change it to string but the problem is that this big number is made by a bigger number which should be the denominator and another problem is that this number is sum of an iterator and i cannot change it to string in each step i tried to make it a product of 10 for example 10^10 or bigger but it didnt answer and it just printed 17 numbers

this is the code:

for k in range(n+1):
Was it helpful?


Use the decimal module:

>>> import decimal
>>> decimal.getcontext().prec = 100              #Set precision
>>> decimal.Decimal('22') / decimal.Decimal('7')  
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