
Has anyone been able to install ffmpeg-php on osx? i was able to install ffmpeg via mac ports. ffmpeg-php wont install.

Problems: cannot find shared directory because macports installs it to /opt/local/include/ and /opt/local/lib. ffmpeg-php looks in /usr/local/include/ffmpeg

phpize returns a whole bunch of warnings, not sure if this is a problem or not.

When i get all the headers/libraries in the right locations make is still throwing fits.

Has anyone actually done this? or...

is there an alturnative to ffmpeg? I want to be able to create pictures of video frames on the fly.

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My "Formula" for ffmpeg-php is accepted.

Install homebrew, and run:

brew install ffmpeg-php

And you're good to go.


I haven't been able to compile it either although ffmpeg can still be useful without that extension. Here's a simple example that grabs a jpg every 5th secoond:

$ffmpeg = '/opt/local/bin/ffmpeg';
$vid = 'test.mpg';
$cmd = $ffmpeg.' -i '.$vid.' -r 0.2 -sameq -f image2 '.$vid.'.%03d.jpg';

I just went through the whole process of installing it on my OSX 10.6.2 using these instructions as guidelines. What also helped me was getting the right files following instructions on the site linked here (for the ffmpeg part) and the "simple" instructions under "Installation" from ffmpeg-php site itself for your actual question. All without any macport.

Can't say it was easy, but it's working just fine. It's a very long process that I just won't quote here. Hopefully it's suffice to say basically you need the most recent ffmpeg then everything is a regular "./configure && make" process.

My ffmpeg configuration options were these: --enable-libmp3lame --enable-shared --disable-mmx --arch=x86_64 --enable-libfaad --enable-gpl

Just as a note, this is how I found those links on google (all those search options are default for me, including the filtering by last year). Funny thing, the first result was this question, thus I'm here answering it. ;-)

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