
How can I write validation for barcode to be unique for all users where is_deleted is false and same chain?

validates :barcode, uniqueness: { conditions: -> { |record| where(is_deleted: false, chain_id: record.chain_id) } }, if: proc { |u| u.barcode.present? }

what is wrong here?


upd. There can be two users with same barcode with same chain_id, if one of them or both have :is_deleted => true

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validates :barcode, uniqueness: { scope: :chain_id, conditions: ->{ where(is_deleted: false) } }, if: proc { |u| u.barcode.present? && }

I came up with a solution. Thanks and sorry, its late here and head is not working as expected :)


Rails validation have if and unless parameters which allow you to add conditions, you used it to check barcode presence properly, but you can extend it for is_deleted as well. As to chain id, I understand that you are interested in scoping.

In your case that would be

validates :barcode, uniqueness: { scope: [:chain_id] }, if: proc { |u| u.barcode.present? && w.is_deleted.false? }
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