
I have worked a little with Codename One and have built a simple app (I also tried out other frameworks like Xamarin, JQuery, Sencha, NSBApp etc.), but I have no experience with RAD Studio XE5. It claims to be a WORA Tool. I tried to find out the pros and cons of this framework but couldn't find good and neutral resources. Has anybody deep experience with RAD STUDIO creating mobile apps? It would be nice to give me some Infos about it? I realized that the developer and customer community of RAD Studio is not vast. What is the reason for it? Do anybody knows the differences and similarities between RAD Studio and Codename One (which is also a WORA Tool)? Just for info: I was looking for different frameworks to build apps for IOS and Android.

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Codename One and RAD Studio XE5 are really nothing alike.

Codename One - Java

RAD Studio XE5 - C++/Pascal

Codename One - cloud build - hence doesn't require Mac etc.

RAD Studio XE5 - compiler toolchain

Codename One - mobile first

RAD Studio XE5 - desktop tool migrated to mobile

Codename One - open source + premium SaaS subscription

RAD Studio XE5 - proprietary license

It's really a matter of what you are comfortable with and personal preferences. I used to love Delphi in the 90's but haven't looked back at it since Java came along.

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