
I have a javascript array like so:

$scope.quantityMachines = [
  { 'snippet' : 'One' },
  { 'snippet' : 'Two' },
  { 'snippet' : 'Three or more',
    'extraField' : true },
  { 'snippet' : 'Not sure, need advice' }

Then I have a list of radio buttons generated by Angular JS using the array:

  <li ng-repeat="quantity in quantityMachines">
    <input type="radio" id="quantityMachines{{$index}}" name="quantityMachines" value="{{quantity.snippet}}" ng-model="howMany" />
    <label for="quantityMachines{{$index}}">{{quantity.snippet}}</label>

This works. In the array there is an extraField with value true in one of the indexes. I need Angular to show an extra input field when a radio button with the extraField setting is checked. The array may change to have more than one index with the extraField value.

So the extra field would look something like this.

<input type="text" ng-model="extraInfo" ng-show="howMany" />

Other than knowing to use ng-show, I'm not sure what would be the correct way to do this. The above example of course does nothing.

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You could use ng-if and ng-show combination and a scope variable to keep track what is selected. ng-if will make sure the textbox is not added unwantedly to the DOM and ng-show to show and hide as the radio gets toggled.

In your input:-

<input type="text" ng-model="extraInfo" ng-if="quantity.extraField" ng-show="option.selected === howMany" />

and in your Radio add ng-click="option.selected=quantity.snippet"

  <li ng-repeat="quantity in quantityMachines">
    <input type="radio" id="quantityMachines{{$index}}" name="quantityMachines" value="{{quantity.snippet}}" ng-model="howMany" ng-click="option.selected=quantity.snippet"/>
    <label for="quantityMachines{{$index}}">{{quantity.snippet}}</label>
    <input type="text" ng-model="extraInfo" ng-if="quantity.extraField" ng-show="option.selected === howMany" />

and add in your controller:-

$scope.option = { selected:'none'};


You could even use howMany to track what was selected except that you need to set it as a property to an object on the scope (Since ng-repeat creates its own child scope and proto inheritance comes to play).

So in your radio just add ng-model="option.howMany", in your controller add $scope.option = { }; and in the text box ng-if="quantity.extraField" ng-show="quantity.snippet === option.howMany"



If only you had a plunker...without that try this

  <li ng-repeat="quantity in quantityMachines">
    <input type="radio" id="quantityMachines{{$index}}" name="quantityMachines" 
        value="{{quantity.snippet}}" ng-model="howMany" />
    <label for="quantityMachines{{$index}}">{{quantity.snippet}}</label>
    <input type="text" ng-model="extraInfo" **ng-if="quantity.extraField"** />

  <li ng-repeat="quantity in quantityMachines">
    <input type="radio" id="quantityMachines{{$index}}" name="quantityMachines" value="{{quantity.snippet}}" ng-model="howMany" />
    <label for="quantityMachines{{$index}}">{{quantity.snippet}}</label>
    <input type="text" ng-model="quantity.extraInfo" ng-show="quantity.extraField" />

The easiest way to show something when radio button is checked is the following:

Lets say you have a radio-group with: ng-model="radio-values"

To show or hide your input then depends on the values within the radio-group: value="radio-value1", value="radio-value2"

To finally show or hide the input field (lets say you want to show something if "radio-value1" is set) you do: <input ng-show="radio-values == 'radio-value1'" ...>

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