
The jDeleteAfter method of my linked list class is supposed to delete the node immediately following the node passed as an argument. If it is doing that, I do not know, but it is abruptly closing my console application when "delete tlp;" (Temp List Pointer) gets read. My instructor, the users of a programming forum and I have yet to determine the root of this problem.

Written in Dev-C++

#include "JawaListT.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <new.h>

    if((this->jHead = new (nothrow) JawaLinkT) && (this->jTail = new (nothrow) JawaLinkT))
    }//end if allocated

void JawaListT::jInsertAfter(JawaLinkT* lp, int val)
    if(lp != NULL && lp != this->jTail)     //if passed not tail and not null
        JawaLinkT* tlp;             //new list node

        if((tlp = new (nothrow) JawaLinkT) != NULL) //if dynamically allocated  
            tlp->jSetNext(lp->jGetNext());  // =                   
            lp->jSetNext(tlp);      // = temp
            tlp->jSetValue(val);        // = val
        }//end if allocated
    }//end if not tail

void JawaListT::jInsertBefore(JawaLinkT* lp, int val)
    if(lp != NULL && lp != this->jHead)     //if passed not head and not null
        JawaLinkT* tlp;             //new list node

        if((tlp = new (nothrow) JawaLinkT) != NULL) //if dynamically allocated
//          *tlp = *lp;         //copies passed node to temp node
            lp->jSetNext(tlp);      // = temp
            lp->jSetValue(val);     // = val
            if(lp == this->jTail)       //if passed is tail
                this->jTail = tlp;  //tail is temp
                this->jTail->jSetNext(this->jTail); // = tail
            }//end if lp
        }//end if tlp
    }//end if head

void JawaListT::jDeleteAfter(JawaLinkT* lp)
    if(lp != NULL && lp->jGetNext() != this->jTail) //if not tail and not null
        JawaLinkT* tlp;             //temp pointer to node

        tlp = lp->jGetNext();           //temp =
        lp->jSetNext(tlp->jGetNext());      // =
        delete tlp;             //delete to what temp points
    }//end if next  

        /*code that did not work any better*/
//      tlp->jSetNext((lp->jGetNext())->jGetNext());    
//      delete lp->jGetNext();
//      lp->jSetNext(tlp);

/*Also tried declaring and/or deleting tlp outside of decision structure, and
jDeleteCurrent(tlp) since that function works properly.*/   

void JawaListT::jDeleteCurrent(JawaLinkT* lp)
    if(lp != NULL && lp != jHead && lp != jTail)    //if not head or tail, not null
        JawaLinkT* tlp;             //temp pointer to node

        tlp = lp->jGetNext();           //temp =
        *lp = *tlp;             //copy temp to passed
        if(tlp == jTail)            //if temp is tail
            this->jSetTail(lp);     //tail = passed
            lp->jSetNext(lp);       // = passed
        delete tlp;             //delete to what temp points
        }//end if tail
    }//end if not head

JawaLinkT* JawaListT::jFindItemS(int item)
    JawaLinkT* tlp;                 //temp pointer to node
this->jTail->jSetValue(item);               // = item

    for(tlp = jHead->jGetNext(); tlp->jGetValue() != item; tlp = tlp->jGetNext());
    /*INIT: node after head, EXIT: data found, UPDATE: increment node*/

    if(tlp == jTail)                //if sentinel found
            std::cout << item << " not in list" << std::endl;   

    return((tlp != this->jTail->jGetNext()) ? tlp : NULL);
    /*If sentinel not found, return proper node, else return null*/


I use the class' sentinel search to traverse the list and provide the proper node as an argument for jDeleteAfter.

No correct solution


A simple hint: remove all the tests for allocation failure - they will never happen on a Windows platform amd complicate the code. And if they do happen, you don't recover from them, so the tests are doubly useless.

It turns out there was a conflict with my delete statement in my virtual destructor. It all works now. Thanks for the look-over of my code.

As for the nothrows -- I do it that way because our text introduced the idea and I don't know how to handle exceptions yet. Thanks for the advice, however.

Some code review tips:

JawaLinkT* tlp;                         //new list node

if((tlp = new (nothrow) JawaLinkT) != NULL)

is more readable as:

if(JawaLinkT* tlp = new (nothrow) JawaLinkT)

(also, see Neil's comment above why using nothrow without actually doing anything about it)

The code is also littered with random potential memory leaks:

if((this->jHead = new (nothrow) JawaLinkT) && (this->jTail = new (nothrow) JawaLinkT))
// What if first new succeeds and second fails?

As to the question, this is a lot of code to read without so much as stack trace to look for just a generic bug, but I think jDeleteAfter may be implemented incorrectly. Consider the case when the function is passed the node BEFORE the tail. I'll cut it off there because it does look like homework; but if you are still having trouble, comment and I'll clarify.

EDIT: And I realized I was wrong. Nevermind!

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