
I'm hosting a github page and want to link index.html to main.css, which is in a folder called "stylesheets" also in the root directory.

my file structure:

   - main.css

right now I have:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/main.css" />

in the <head>, but this doesn't work?

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First, you should create gh-pages branch that special branch of GitHub.
You can find and create it in setting page of you project by the button Automatic page generator.
The branch will map to the doamin

So the path should be stylesheets/main.css not /stylesheets/main.css


if it not project pages.. "mean" you are Creating a repo (index of not atuo genereate gh-pages because its use template

its simply by doing:

  1. clone it
  2. create & move to branch gh-pages
  3. commit & push it

    /style -> you are on root directory
    style/ -> you are on currrent directory
    ./style --> more safe to navigate current directory

wait 5 minutes ... and cheers!

Try removing the front '/' from /stylesheet, so that it loads up relative to the current route: stylesheet/...

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