
I'm Writing a utility for logging using logback with slf4j, Since i'm new to logback i need to know if i can write logging statement with user defined log level from calling class something like we use in java logging as


So is it possible to implement that in logback. I came across logback API and found something like LOGGER.isEnabledFor(loggerLevel). Can that be used for mentioned purpose and how to implement it.

import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger;

public class LogUtil {

protected static final Logger LOGGER = (Logger)LoggerFactory.getLogger("LOGUTIL");  

    public void logMethodEntrance(String className,String methodName,Level loggerLevel){
                    //Something like below?
                    //LOGGER.log(loggerLevel,"Entering Method-"+methodName+" of class - "+className);           

And i tried the log statements and i'm getting below error

public void logMethodEntrance(String className,String methodName,Level loggerLevel){
            //LOGGER.debug("Entering Method-"+methodName+" of class - "+className);
            LOGGER.log(null, null,loggerLevel.toInt(), "Just Message", null, null);


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 20000 not a valid level value at ch.qos.logback.classic.Level.fromLocationAwareLoggerInteger( at ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger.log( at com.vsi.commonutil.logging.LogUtil.logMethodEntrance( at com.vsi.commonutil.test.LogUtilTest.testforlogging( at com.vsi.commonutil.test.LogUtilTest.main(

Was it helpful?


I just found the how the answer to my question by using Level.toLocationAwareLoggerInteger(loggerLevel)

LOGGER.log(null,logUtil.getClass().getName(), Level.toLocationAwareLoggerInteger(loggerLevel), "Entering into a method - MyMethod", argArray, t)
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