

A directory containing a test and main python file has been created. Executing a test works:

C:\...>py test/
Ran 2 tests in 0.001s


According to this documentation it is possible to measure code coverage using the command line.

A number of commands has been issued:

C:\...>coverage run --source="C:\path\to\test"
Nothing to do.
Use 'coverage help' for help.

C:\...>coverage run --source "C:\path\to\test\" -m "C:\path\to\test\"
No module named 'C:\path\to\test\'

without success.


Which command needs to be issued in order to measure the code coverage of a Python file using CoveragePy?

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For coverage to capture data, you run the tests with the coverage tool. Something like this:

coverage run py test/

Coverage can be awkward to get set up, but it's incredibly useful -- have fun!

You collect execution data by running your Python program with the run command:

$ coverage run arg1 arg2 


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