
I will be glad, if my eclipse didn't have the mylyn and the cvs modules. I don't want them, I want them to get out. But the eclipse package management doesn't let me their removal.

I tried already to remove them from the packages & features directory, but it didn't work.

An ideal solution were, if existed some flag or settings in the eclipse packages, which contained the information from a package if it is removable.

Yes, I know that eclipse loads these packages only on need, but I want to remove, delete them forever and sow their place with salt.

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Harsh. The simplest thing to do then is to start with the bare Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary download then add the things you do want.


Build your custom installation by using the p2.director application (from an SDK download) to install exactly those features you like to have. p2.director help

General description (accessing all kepler simultaneous release repos). Mind the the appendix <> for features you want to install.

c:\<eclipse-sdk>\eclipsec.exe -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository,, -installIU <feature1>,<feature1>,<bundleX>,<bundleY> -destination c:/eclipse -profile SDKProfile

concrete example installing only the SDK on windows (be patient for the download)

F:\__TEST\eclipse-SDK-4.3-win32-x86_64\eclipse\eclipsec.exe -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository,, -installIU org.eclipse.sdk.ide -destination c:/eclipse -profile SDKProfile 

You find the resulting installed product inside the destination c:/eclipse.

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