
I have data on database like this.

["{37.331622, -122.030337}","{37.331593, -122.03051}","{37.331554, -122.030681}","{37.331383, -122.030757}","{37.33108, -122.030772}","{37.330798, -122.030729}","{37.330636, -122.030636}"]

Then i try to query data from database by following code.

- (void)updateLocations {
    CGFloat kilometers = self.radius/1000.0f;
    //PFUser *user = [PFUser currentUser];
    PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Session"];
    [query whereKey:@"objectId" equalTo:@"t2udAri048"];
    [query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
        if (!error) {
            NSLog(@"objects %@",objects);
            NSLog(@"path %@",[objects valueForKey:@"Path"]);
            NSArray *pointsArray = [objects valueForKey:@"Path"];;
            NSInteger pointsCount = pointsArray.count;
            CLLocationCoordinate2D pointsToUse[pointsCount];

            for(int i = 0; i < pointsCount; i++) {
                CGPoint p = CGPointFromString(pointsArray[i]);
                pointsToUse[i] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(p.x,p.y);

            MKPolyline *myPolyline = [MKPolyline polylineWithCoordinates:pointsToUse count:pointsCount];
            [self.mapView addOverlay:myPolyline];
            //NSLog(@"Drawed %@",pointsArray);

I get the value of [objects valueForKey:@"Path"]

( ( "{37.331622, -122.030337}", "{37.331593, -122.03051}", "{37.331554, -122.030681}", "{37.331383, -122.030757}", "{37.33108, -122.030772}", "{37.330798, -122.030729}", "{37.330636, -122.030636}" ) )

But i want it to

( "{37.331622, -122.030337}", "{37.331593, -122.03051}", "{37.331554, -122.030681}", "{37.331383, -122.030757}", "{37.33108, -122.030772}", "{37.330798, -122.030729}", "{37.330636, -122.030636}" )

What should i do?

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It looks as if objects is an array of one element, which is an object with the "Path" property. In that case you should replace

NSArray *pointsArray = [objects valueForKey:@"Path"];


NSArray *pointsArray = [objects[0] valueForKey:@"Path"];


In your example you have the objectId. If that is the case, you use getObjectWithId. This will return only the object you want.

PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Session"];

[query getObjectWithId:@"hr46gjh45"];

Your example returns an array of objects; in this case the array has only one object (but it is still an array). In that case you must first retrieve the object from the array.

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