
I updated an older android project from mvvmcross v2 to mvvmcross v3.

Got one more problem now.

The visibility doesn't work, its doing nothing.

Old solution looked like this (worked fine):

In Setup.cs

protected override IEnumerable<Type> ValueConverterHolders
     get { return new[] { typeof(Converters) }; }


using Cirrious.MvvmCross.Converters.Visibility;

namespace Test.Droid
    public class Converters
        public readonly MvxVisibilityConverter Visibility = new MvxVisibilityConverter();

Any .axml (change visibility of LinearLayout):

 <LinearLayout style="@style/LinearLayoutSmall" local:MvxBind="{'Visibility':{'Path':'TestIsVisible','Converter':'Visibility'}}">

New solution (doesn't work):

In Setup.cs

protected override List<Type> ValueConverterHolders
    get { return new List<Type> { typeof(Converters) }; }


using Cirrious.MvvmCross.Plugins.Visibility;

namespace Test.Droid
    public class Converters
        public readonly MvxVisibilityValueConverter Visibility = new MvxVisibilityValueConverter();

Any .axml

<LinearLayout style="@style/LinearLayoutSmall" local:MvxBind="Visibility TestIsVisible, Converter=Visibility">

There's probably a problem with the swissbinding syntax or I'm using false classes? Any help appreciated!


I forgot these lines:

public override void LoadPlugins(IMvxPluginManager pluginManager)

I guess its necessary but now I'm having following error: enter image description here

(from the MvxPluginManager Class)... I checked all references and the dll/project *.Visibility.Droid.dll is referenced in my mainproject and everywhere else...

Was it helpful?


Without running and debugging a complete sample of your code I can't see what the problem is. One guess is that it could be in the plugin setup for visibility, but that is only a guess. The debug trace for your app might reveal some information on this.

Alternatively, it might be easier to simply try setting up a new project and getting visibility working in that, then comparing that code back to your existing app.

Value Converters in v3 are documented in

The preferred way of referencing them is simply to let MvvmCross find them by reflection - see the section on

A sample app, including visibility, is in: - e.g.

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