
Prior to Android Studio 0.4, I was able to set a custom debug keystore via

File -> Project Structure -> Facets -> Compiler Tab

This option has gone at least with Android Studio 0.4.2. Where can I set the custom keystore for being able to share it over different PCs, e.g. via a VCS?

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This can be solved by adding signingConfigs to the build.gradle configuration.

android {

    // ...

    signingConfigs {
        debug {
            storeFile file('../debug.keystore')

        release {
            storeFile file('release.keystore')
            storePassword "mystorepassword"
            keyAlias "mykeyalias"
            keyPassword "mykeypassword"


You can do the same using signingConfigs in build.gradle file and putting certificates in project directory

Step 1. Create a directory inside you module like


build.gradle file inside your_module dir

    android {

        signingConfigs {

           myCustomDebug  {

              storeFile file("KeystoreCertificates/myCertificates")
              storePassword "certi_password"
              keyAlias "certi_alias"
              keyPassword "alias_password"      


        buildTypes {

            debug {
               runProguard false
               proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'
               signingConfig signingConfigs.myCustomDebug


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