
I've got a working Laravel website on my localhost, which works fine. I'm trying to move this website to my server (LAMP).

When I send this, I change the htaccess and the database, but I've a got an error message: Class 'Ollieread\Multiauth\MultiAuthServiceProvider' not found

This class is an extern package from github which I installed with composer, and I didn't have any trouble on my localhost, but now on my server I've got this annoying error.

Anyone got any solution or kind of help?

cheers !

Update: service not seervice

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Glad to see people enjoying the package that I wrote.

The class you're looking for is located in vendor/ollieread/multiauth/src/Ollieread/multiauth, if you take a look at the namespace deceleration at the top of the files, I clearly define the namespace as Ollieread\Multiauth and the composer.json file for my package maps that namespace to the ollieread/multiauth/src directory.

I'd say that it sounds like it's been installed in a strange way, or the composer autoload file isn't being generated.

You can install composer on your server quite simply by downloading the composer.phar file, which you can find information about at Once you have this installed, from the root directory of your laravel installation you can run the command php /path/to/composer.phar update or alternatively switch update out for install, and everything should be sorted.


Ok I found the solution! the problem didn't come from me, but from this package Ollieread... The explanation is the folder's name in vendor was Ollieread, and when i put it in lowercase it works fine!

If it helps someone, anyway i will send an email to this famous ollie read ^^

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