
I have a question.

I want to add to my histogram, under the main title, another text, but I need this one in Italics, how can I do it? I have this code

hist(DataFile, breaks=50, main="Distribucion de Peso\nUca rapax", ylab="Frecuencia de peso", xlab="Peso \n (en miligramos)", col="blue", border="darkblue")

I know that the code is italic( but I cannot manage where I need to add it.

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You could always add it via mtext

hist(rnorm(200), breaks=50, main="Distribucion de Peso", 
    ylab="Frecuencia de peso", 
    xlab="Peso \n (en miligramos)", 
    col="blue", border="darkblue")
mtext(expression(italic("Uca rapax")),3,0)

title second line italic

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