
I'm very interested in some of the concepts in ReactJs and would like to play around with it. I'm trying to start a project to play around with it but I've been looking all over and I can't seem to find it on bower. But then again bower search kind of sucks...

Is it on there and I'm just not seeing it? If is there something about it that makes it not a good fit for the bower model? I would expect that both projects are popular enough they would work together.

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I'm not sure on the particulars of bower, but we have this repository:

which should be available as bower install react.

$ bower lookup react
react git://


To bower installation, you need to install to Git Shell, using command promt of it, your project have got a bower file. When you installed them, you should be follow the command below:

> cd d:/yourappfolder/
> bower install
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