
I'm looking for both an explanation of why and when you would use each system and what features differentiate a bug vs. issue tracking application.

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Issue tracking systems usually integrate more with customers and customer issues. An issue could be "help me install this" or "How do I get the fubar into the flim flam." They could even be something like "I need an evalutation key for your software".

Bug tracking systems help you keep track of wrong or missing things from the program.

When looking at web systems, there is usually a big difference in focus, either helping customers or tracking problems with your software.


The difference could be clearer from the following example.

Suppose you had a production issue today that affected 5 customers, but was caused by a single software defect.

In your issue-tracking system, you opened 5 tickets and started tracking what each customer reported, what was communicated to them, when the software patch was applied, etc. You can track that kind of stuff separately for each customer.

In your bug-tracking system, you made 1 entry for the software defect started tracking things like steps to reproduce, code changes, etc.

Customer issues can be closed whenever they're remedied to the customer's satisfaction and that may or may not involve fixing the software. The bug can be closed when it's fixed and retested.

Two systems, outward- and inward-facing, tracking two different kinds of things, each with its own life cycle.

Bug tracking systems like Trac are designed to have one ticket for each problem intrinsic to the program, so a ticket is closed by modifying the program.

Customer support ticket systems like IssueTrackerProduct are designed to have one ticket for each customer experiencing a situation, so a ticket is closed by working out the situation for that customer (possibly by modifying the program).

For examples of each, see Wikipedia's Comparison of issue tracking systems

A bug is a subclass of issue. All bugs are issues, but not all issues are bugs.

Typically a bug is a defect in the codebase. This is different from an incomplete/yet-to-be implemented feature, or something more hard to pin down like a developer putting in a ticket to deal with a piece technical debt, or a concern with the UI. All of these are 'issues' semantically speaking.

A generic issue, when not falling under those other categories, is more often than not a representation of something reported by the end-user. In most systems, this reported issue is handled as a bug-report in itself. I'd venture to say this is a mistake.

The tricky part is that sometimes multiple issues may be related to other issues. It could be concerning the same bug, multiple bugs, or actually be a feature request. That is to say, there can be a many-to-many relationship between issues.

Why does the distinction matter? Well, there is a natural tree internally - Resolving one issue can indirectly complete (or contribute to completing) a million other issues. It also makes a difference in how an issue is resolved. Defects themselves may be resolved with a code change that fixes it, or makes it irrelevant. If it's a user complaint, it may be resolved by sending them a work around, and then left to be followed up on when the original defect is solved.

Features that work better at representing and working with these nuances in a useful way is really what to look for in a ticket tracking system.

At some point, you are talking about processes and methodologies more than actual ticketing systems, and the actual names of things should start to become irrelevant. Mainstream and enterprise oriented solutions tend to run on a popular systems like ITIL, but you can get away with adhoc stuff provided everyone on the team has a good understanding of customer service needs. I personally see it as a waterfall (ITIL) vs agile (DevOps) situation.

it's just semantics. A bug is a problem, an issue is something to do. They are otherwise much the same.

Its' a fuzzy line at best. Issue tracking system would probably be considered the more general of the two. In that all bug tracking systems are issue tracking systems, but not necessarily the opposite.

From our Friend Wikipedia

A bug tracking system is a software application that is designed to help quality assurance and programmers keep track of reported software bugs in their work. It may be regarded as a sort of issue tracking system.

A bug is found in code

An issue can be found anywhere, in the processes, in hardware, in people.

It depends which development process you're adopting as to what the definitions mean.

I believe that a bug is something that can be fixed in code, while an issue is more of a problem with usability.

For example, a login form. A bug in the login form would be the form redirecting incorrectly after the login completes. While an issue would be that the overall login process is too slow, or there is no option to email a forgotten password.

This isn't really a complete answer to your question, but I've had similar questions come up with dealing with customers. I think at the highest level, a bug tracking system seems usually to be more developer focused. That is, developers are trying to track problems in the code. A function isn't returning the right value, more validation should be done, etc.

A good example of a system that integrates nicely with code is Trac.

Issue tracking systems seem to be more customer-centric. For example, being able to have a customer say "When I click on 'OK" I get an error". It may be user training, it may be a feature, or it may in fact be a bug.

So in many of the projects that I've worked on we keep these distinct. We have a high-level issue tracking system that may or may not result in an actual bug being created in the bug tracking system. However, many many bugs are tracked internally without any "issues" being created in the issue tracking system.

The problem that I see between these two is that it's really not very easy for inexperienced users to enter tickets into something like Trac because they get confused by the technical lingo. However, a high-level issue tracking system does not integrate tightly with code so it's useless to the developers.

Anyway... my $0.02.

Bugs: flaws anywhere within the process (application, database, reporting, etc.) that will prevent 100% of desired functionality from occurring. Also known and referred to as defects.

Issues: potentially caused by a bug or bugs, an issue is a report of some form of loss of functionality in the system that would be tied to a user. These are also referred to as help desk tickets in some organizations.

- Software Bug
- Issue Tracking

To answer this question it requires context and from the looks of it Alan's answer was to your context.

In the world of software testing, one of the distinctions we make between an issue and a bug are: bugs are anything that threatens the value of the product while issues are anything that threatens of the value of testing (or the value of the project and in particular the value of testing). Rapid Software testing teaches us that.

In my experience the tracking systems allow you to make whatever distinction you want between the two. How you use a particular tracking system is up to you.

I don't think there is a definitive answer, but I usually just think of Issue Tracking as merely a more generic term that corresponds to more than just "bugs". To only use the term "Bug Tracking" is kind of a pigeon-hole, which is associated with defects in software.

An issue tracker doesn't have to be tied to software though, and even BugZilla doesn't track only bugs, but also new enhancement / feature requests, votes, etc. In that way, I think of an "issue" as just a single item of interest that someone wants to get "done."

Lately there has also been a rise in Work Item Tracking (in e.g. Visual Studio and IBM/Rational Jazz), which is more lower level than "issues"--wherein an issue could be seen as requiring some N number of smaller work items to complete. At a higher level, you might also see something akin to a Milestone in BugZilla.

Bugs are specific to software developers. Issues are more general and can include all team member's progress on a project, including the graphic designers, system administrators, company executives, etc.

An issue tracker speaks in terms of things to do and can categorize an item as a bug if needed.

It is mostly just silly words, but I use an "issue tracker" as I work with many people who are not programmers, and we need to speak a common language by having a common productivity tool that makes us aware of what each other is doing.

You can use a bug tracker but it will just confuse non developers, especially if they have to think of their tasks as being a bug.

I would say it is also nice to draw a difference between a bug and an issue for programmers, as bugs are usually problems with existing code, and issues can be new feature requests.

Well... there is not difference besides the fact, that an issue is more than just a bug. It can be a task, a new feature, or simply an improvement. A bug is mostly seen as incorrect system behavior, while an issue has a broader definition. beyond just "it does not work"...

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