
I have just started getting into Phalcon, however I have a problem with error displays and all sorts of error handling.

In my bootstrap file I have

$listener = new \Phalcon\Debug();

Which doesn't seem to generate anything. I have explicitly coded an error like so:

public function indexAction() {
    $recentPackages = Package::find(1,2,3,
                    "order" => "updated DESC",
                    "limit" => 10)
    $this->view->setVar("recentPackages", $recentPackages);

However, the error that comes out is simply a white page with :

Wrong number of parameters

I am running Phalcon 1.2.4. Is there something else I am missing? I followed the documentation here, but can't seem to get it to work.

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You have to remove the try/catch from your public/index.php


In your public/index.php file change value in cactch(\Exception $e) {...HERE...}
For example from doc.

try {

    //... app code ...

} catch(\Exception $e) {
    echo get_class($e), ": ", $e->getMessage(), "\n";
    echo " File=", $e->getFile(), "\n";
    echo " Line=", $e->getLine(), "\n";
    echo $e->getTraceAsString();
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