
I have directory in which I have to put some results, but the user can configure it If the directory does not exist I have to create it. But now I have to write test for that code.

getOutputPath() is getter method

def outputPath = new File('build/sampleDir')

def generate() {
    if (!getOutputPath().exists()) {

The creation is in the Action closure so this is executed in the execution phase, but if I try:

    def 'change default outputPath dir'() {
    someTask.outputPath = new File(project.rootProject.buildDir, "newPath")

    project.afterEvaluate {
        generateQRFromTextTask.getOutputQRPath().exists() == true

For my surprise this code pass as well the same but with project.gradle.buildFinished {. Without them it fails. Why the test passes with afterEvaluate ?

And what is the best way to make this checks(for directory existing? In constructor or?

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The property should be annotated with @OutputDirectory, in which case the directory will be created automatically.

PS: Depending on the exact nature of your test, afterEvaluate may never be triggered.

PPS: A property that has a default value doesn't need to be annotated with @Optional.

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