
What is the ideal list-like data structure in Julia?

I want an indexible, growable, collection with a constant-time append operation.

The standard data structure seems to be Array with the push! operation. Is this constant time?

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As Harlan said, push! is amortized constant time. See the description of C++'s similar data structure for arguments why: Amortized analysis of std::vector insertion

If you want a legitimately constant time data structure, you probably want to implement a linked list. I've seen lots of sample implementations, but nothing that's ready for production.


Repeatedly calling push! is not constant time, but it's pretty fast. It does an occasional exponential reallocation of the buffer. See the C source for appending to an array:

Difference lists let you append, prepend, and concatenate in constant time. I pushed an implementation yesterday here. It's really just a few lines of code but I made it fancier by adding in support for iteration and display.

You create a difference list with the dl function, like this: dl(1, 2, 3) or make a difference list for anything you can iterate with todl(items).

You can concatenate any number of difference lists in constant time with the concat function, like this: concat(dl(1, 2), dl(3, 4)).

You can use pushfirst and push to add to the start and end in constant time.

Difference lists can iterate so you can use them in for-loops and splats and easily convert them to arrays.

I'm waiting for it to get published as a Julia package but you can just use the DifferenceLists.jl file directly.

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