
How do I solve this warning?

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The warning is "undeclared selector 'forwardGeocoderDidFail:withErrorMessage:'". Why am I getting this warning, and how can I solve it?

This is my code:

if (!handeledByBlocks && self.delegate) {
    if (!parseError && parser.statusCode == G_GEO_SUCCESS)
        [self.delegate forwardGeocodingDidSucceed:self withResults:parser.results];
    else if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(forwardGeocoderDidFail:withErrorMessage:)])
        [self.delegate forwardGeocodingDidFail:self withErrorCode:parser.statusCode andErrorMessage:[parseError localizedDescription]];
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[self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(forwardGeocoderDidFail:withErrorMessage:)]


[self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(forwardGeocodingDidFail:withErrorCode:andErrorMessage:)]


Whatever you're setting as the delegate does not have a public method called: forwardGeocoderDidFail:withErrorMessage:

That's what's causing the warning that you want to fix.

In the line below, you're calling a method with a different signature.

forwardGeocoderDidFail: withErrorCode: andErrorMessage:

Make sure whatever object is your delegate actually implements the correct method, and that respondsToSelector actually checks the one you want.

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